- 1950 North Korea invades South Korea, June 25.
- 1950 Pusan Perimeter formed, Aug 2. MacArthur invades at Inchon, Sep 15.
- 1951 22nd Amend. limits president to 2 terms: Proposed by Thomas Jefferson.
- 1951 Truman fires General Douglas MacArthur, April 11.
- 1951 UNIVAC introduces first commercial electronic computer system.
- 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower takes oath on Jan. 20: 34th President.
- 1953 Stalin dies: Khrushchev new leader in U.S.S.R.
- 1953 Cease fire in Korea, 3 mile area becomes demilitarized zone (DMZ).
- 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturns Plessy v. Ferguson.
- 1954 Remington Rand sells a UNIVAC computer system to General Motors.
- 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk proves his vaccine against polio virus is safe.
- 1957 Dwight D. Eisenhower takes oath on January 20; begins 2nd term.
- 1957 Eisenhower authorizes, support assistance for South Vietnam.
- 1957 Sputnik satellite launched into orbit by Soviet Union.
- 1959 Alaska admitted as 49th state on Jan 3.
- 1959 St. Lawrence Seaway opens Great Lakes to foreign shipping, Apr 25.
- 1959 Hawaii admitted as 50th state on Aug 21.
- 1960 23rd Amendment grants Electoral College representation to Washington, DC.
- 1961 John F. Kennedy takes oath on January 20; becomes 35th President.
- 1962 John Glenn is first U.S. astronaut to orbit earth, Feb 20.
- 1962 Military aid begins in South Vietnam
- 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., gives "I Have A Dream" speech on Aug 28.
- 1963 John F. Kennedy assassinated, Lyndon B. Johnson 36th President.
- 1964 24th Amendment ends poll taxes.
- 1964 Civil Rights Act puts teeth in Federal enforcement of anti-discrimination.
- 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution, August 24; big lie repealed in 1970.
- 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson takes oath, January 20; begins 1st full term.
- 1965 First American ground forces arrive in South Vietnam.
- 1967 25th Amendment allows President to step aside temporarily.
- 1967 Thurgood Marshall: first black justice on Supreme Court.
- 1968 Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. murdered in Memphis.
- 1969 Richard M. Nixon takes oath on January 20: 37th President.
- 1969 Neil Armstrong took "one giant leap for mankind" onto the moon.
- 1969 Concorde, supersonic transport, commercial SST: 1st test flights.
- 1970 Four students killed by National Guard: campus protest at Kent State U. in Ohio.
- 1971 26th Amendment provides voting at 18 years old.
- 1972 Equal Rights Amendment for women proposed by Congress; never ratified.
- 1973 Richard M. Nixon takes oath on January 20; begins second term.
- 1973 VP Agnew forced to resign. Gerald R. Ford: 1st non-elected VP.
- 1973 Vietnam War ends for U.S. soldiers on March 29, as U.S. stops fighting.
- 1973 Wars Powers Act enacted into law, over veto of President Nixon.
- 1973 Roe v. Wade: starts bitter abortion/anti-abortion debates.
- 1974 Nixon resigns in disgrace. Gerald Ford becomes 38th President.
- 1975 Congress reneges on financial aid, to South Vietnam.
- 1975 The fall of Saigon, April 30, the United States quits.
Surrenders Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, to Communist.
- 1975 The first personal computer, the Altair, is developed.
Two years later Jobs and Wozniak introduce Apple II.
- 1976 Air France and British Airways begin 1st passenger SST service.
- 1977 James Earl "Jimmy" Carter becomes 39th President. Jan 20.
- 1979 PA's 3 Mile Island, Mar 28. Nuclear power plant in near melt down.
- 1979 SALT II Treaty signed with USSR but not ratified by U. S. Senate.
- 1980 Mount St. Helens volcano erupts in northwestern United States.
- 1981 Ronald W. Reagan takes oath January 20; becomes 40th President.
- 1981 Sandra Day O'Connor: 1st woman U.S.S.C. justice. Appointed by Reagan.