- 1750 Cumberland Gap discovered, named by Thomas Walker.
- 1750 First American coal mine opens in Virginia.
- 1752 Ben Franklin "flies a kite." A shocking experience! Invents lightning rod.
- 1754 French and Indian War begins. Last nine years.
- 1754 Major Washington loses battle of Fort Necessity.
- 1755 General Braddock defeated at Pittsburgh; Washington promoted to Lt. Col.
- 1757 Franklin goes to London on mission. Returns 17 years later.
- 1759 George Washington weds Martha Custis, honeymoons at "The White House" on the Custis planation.
- 1760 Subjugation of Canada by England leads to Dominion of Canada in 1767.
- 1760 George III becomes King of England. Colonial population 1.6 million
- 1762 Benjamin Franklin re-designs the harmonica, makes it a musical instrument.
- 1762 Spain acquires Louisiana Territory from France.
- 1763 Chief Pontiac begins siege of Detroit. Incites other wars.
- 1763 French and Indian War ends with Treaty of Paris signed Sept 3, which establishes borders of United States.
- 1763 Patrick Henry delivers his famous "Parsons" speech.
- 1764 Saint Louis founded.
- 1764 Revenue Act. Taxation without representation introduced in Boston.
- 1765 The Stamp Act goes into effect.
- 1765 Quartering Act requires housing British troops in private homes.
- 1766 Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon draw the line at MD & PA border.
- 1768 British troops begin occupation of Boston.
- 1769 Daniel Boone crosses Appalachians, keeps heading west into Kentucky.
- 1770 Boston Massacre.
- 1773 Boston Tea Party. 342 chests of tea go into the drink December 16.
- 1774 Quartering Act of 1774: Colonist must open houses to British troops.
- 1774 British close the port of Boston in retaliation for tea party.
- 1774 First Continental Congress convenes, in Philadelphia, Sept 5.
- 1775 Patrick Henry declares "Give me liberty or give me death!" March 23.
- 1775 American Revolution begins. Battles at Lexington and Concord, MA.
- 1775 Second Continental Congress convenes, in Philadelphia, May 10.
- 1775 Fort Ticonderoga taken by Ethan Allen & Green Mountain militia, May 10.
- 1775 Washington accepts promotion to general & commander-in-chief, Jun 16.
- 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill (actually Breed's Hill).
- 1775 Declaration on Taking Up of Arms issued by Continental Congress, Jul 6.
- 1775 Postal system created. Benjamin Franklin first Director.
- 1775 Great Bridge: Virginians defeat British, December.
- 1776 Moore's Creek Bridge: North Carolinians defeat British: Feb.
- 1776 South Carolina Constitution adopted March 26.
- 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights on June 12; written by George Mason.
- 1776 Virginia Constitution adopted June 29. Becomes model for all states.
- 1776 New Jersey Constitution adopted July 2.
- 1776 Declaration of Independence adopted, Jul 4. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson.
- 1776 New Hampshire Constitution adopted July 5.
- 1776 Patrick Henry elected governor of new Commonwealth of Virginia.
- 1776 Washington at Trenton: Captures 916 Hessian (German) prisoners.
- 1777 New York Constitution adopted April 20.
- 1777 Battle of Bennington VT. Green Mountain Boys doing what came naturally.
- 1777 General Gates defeats General Burgoyne at Saratoga, NY.
- 1777 General Washington has close call at Brandywine.
- 1777 Congress adopts American flag with thirteen stars and stripes.
- 1777 Washington's Continental Army winters at Valley Forge.
- 1778 France declares war on England, becomes ally of America.
- 1780 Benedict Arnold attempts to sell West Point to the British.
- 1780 King George III publically whines about the loss of America.
- 1781 Articles of Confederation go into effect; were drafted in 1777.
- 1781 Cornwallis surrenders to General Washington.
- 1783 The Paris Peace Treaty ends War of Revolution; signed Sep 3.
- 1784 Benjamin Franklin invents bifocals.
- 1786 Davy Crockett born, Aug 17, by Nolichucky River in E. Tenn.
- 1787 Northwest Ordinance adopted July 13 by Continental Congress.
- 1787 Constitutional Convention opens May 25; concludes business Sept 17.
- 1787 U.S. Constitution framed, sent to Congress & states for approvals.
- 1787 Federalist Papers begin to appear in newspapers.
- 1787 Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, ratify Constitution.
- 1788 GA, CT, MA, MD, SC, ratify Constitution by May 23.
- 1788 U.S. becomes nation as NH is 9th state to ratify on June 21.
- 1788 Virginia and New York ratify Constitution by July 26.
- 1789 George Washington, Apr 30, becomes 1st President, John Adams 1st VP.
- 1789 James Madison rises in congress to reluctantly suggests changes to new constitution. Patrick Henry leads fight for Bill of Rights.
- 1789 French Revolution begins. Bastille falls July 14.
- 1789 North Carolina ratifies Constitution on Nov 21.
- 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation signed by President George Washington.
- 1789 Mutiny on the H.M.S. Bounty; survivors establish Pitcairn Island colony.
- 1790 Benjamin Franklin dies April 17.
- 1790 Rhode Island ratifies Constitution on May 29.
- 1790 First national census finds 3,929,214 persons.
- 1790 John Jay is Chief Justice as Supreme Court meets for the first time.
- 1790 Judith Sargent Murray, writing under pen name, Constantia, publishes Equality of the Sexes.