The action of the 17th establishes the ascendancy of the King's troops though opposed by more than treble numbers. It comprised, though in a small compass, almost every branch of military duty and curiosity. Troops landed in the face of the enemy; a fine disposition; a march sustained by a powerful cannonade from moving field artillery, fixed batteries, floating batteries, and broadsides of ships at anchor, all operating separately and well disposed; a deployment from the march to form for the attack of the entrenchments and redoubt; a vigorous defence; a storm with bayonets; a large and fine town set on fire by shells. Whole streets of houses, ships upon the stocks, a number of churches, all sending up volumes of smoke and flame, or falling together in ruin, were capital objects. A prospect of the neighbouring hills, the steeples of Boston, and the masts of such ships as were unemployed in the harbour, all crowded with spectators, friends, and foes, alike in anxious suspense, made a background to the piece. It was great, it was high spirited, and while the animated impression remains, let us quit it.
See also Lieutenant J. Waller's letter to his brother