![]() Golden Nuggets from U. S. History
The Blue Quill Series
Presidential Rankings: The EditorOur rankings are divided into three groups (four if "cannot be ranked" is counted) because we think it is silly to attempt an exact ranking from 1 through 41. Many of the presidential performances are too close to call that precisely. When questions are asked like, "what is more important, defending the country or a raise in the welfare checks?" a lot of "hero" presidents quickly fall from the first tier. The way we rank them: |
Presidents by "one person's opinion" ranking. | |||
1 | George Washington | 9 | Harry Truman |
2 | Franklin D Roosevelt | 10 | James Madison |
3 | Abraham Lincoln | 11 | Woodrow Wilson |
4 | Thomas Jefferson | 12 | Dwight D Eisenhower |
5 | Calvin Coolidge | 13 | Andrew Jackson |
6 | Ronald Reagan | 14 | John Adams |
7 | Theodore Roosevelt | 15 | James Monroe |
8 | James Polk | 16 | Richard M Nixon |
SECOND TIER -- in alphabetical order. | |||
John Quincy Adams | Benjamin Harrison | ||
Chester Arthur | Rutherford B Hayes | ||
Martin Van Buren | Herbert Hoover | ||
George Bush | Andrew Johnson | ||
Grover Cleveland | Lyndon B Johnson | ||
Bill Clinton | John F Kennedy | ||
James Garfield | William McKinley | ||
Ulysses S Grant | Zachary Taylor | ||
THIRD TIER -- in alphabetical order. | |||
James Buchanan | Warren Harding | ||
Jimmy Carter | Franklin Pierce | ||
Millard Fillmore | William H Taft | ||
Gerald R Ford | John Tyler | ||
Cannot be ranked (thirty days in office.) | William H Harrison |
Actually, we probably should have an ULTRA ELITE group of two: Washington and F. D. Roosevelt because, for different reasons, they stand alone at the top. Washington MADE the presidency. Without his personality, his leadership, his core makeup, the new nation would have failed because there was not a unanimity among the states. The slave question was front and center but the founders finessed an agreement for a constitution and Washington set the tone to make it work. As a direct result of Washington's efforts a confrontation was delayed for 70 years. Had the dispute over states rights boiled to the surface before there was a national resolve to make it work, the United States as we know it would not exist. Historians love to praise FDR for CCC camps, WPA programs, Social Security, ending the recession, and fireside chats. Had Roosevelt not done a single one of these things he would still rank up there on Washington's tier. The historians NEVER discuss his REAL achievement: The advanced preparations for World War II. Soon after taking office Roosevelt set a course to defend the nation and to help Europe fend off Hitler. The nation was firmly against ANY involvement in Europe but Roosevelt did not allow that to detract him. Working with a very small group he accepted secret envoys from Churchhill and others, he caused plans to be made, and he established a central intelligence organization to keep informed on the happenings in Germany. Although his earlier concerns were directed towards Germany, when the attack on Pearl Harbor came he was ready with plans and personnel to spring into action for the conversion of shipyards, airplane factories, and automobile plants. In short, FDR did exactly what every President is supposed to do: Save the nation FIRST. ALL other presidents fall below that level but there were still some great ones. Tier one includes Lincoln because he saved the Union. There was no external threat but he did save the Union. Jefferson is there because he worked to implement his concept of a limited central government while purchasing the Louisiana Territory and doubling the size of the nation. Jefferson thought that the federal government did not have the authority to make such a deal but decided that it was too good to pass up, so he did it anyway. Coolidge, because of his superior understanding of the Constitution: If it's not in the document, the federal government can't do it. Reagan because he took office with a single idea in mind, ignored all around him, including the press, and forged ahead to beat the Soviets and end the Cold War. Teddy Roosevelt for being Teddy, for the Panama Canal, and for establishing national parks. Without the Panama Canal, the history of WWII would be far different. James K. Polk because he avoided a war with Britain while extending the nation to the Pacific Ocean. Truman because he quickly ended the war with Japan, set the proper course for peace, and implemented the Marshall Plan. He nearly drops from the top group for calling the Korean War a "Police Action." Madison, because this brilliant, compassionate, gentle man refused to back down from any fight. He took on the Brits in the War of 1812 and beat them again. The last six in the first tier are there because they are the best of the rest. The second tier list those who did OK but nothing special. Clinton is there for one reason: He kept Alan Greenspan on at the Federal Reserve. [Hmmm... we just realized it... we wrote the entire résumé of Clinton's Presidency with just nine words.] Bush barely avoids the third tier. He had a chance to go for the top but chose to make history by calling off the fight in the middle of a war. Last and least is the third tier. These are the ones who just served time. None did anything special but some did a lot of harm... but that's another story. Philosophos Historia | |
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